Use python type hinting in every function and class, including return types.
Always use docstrings for Classes and Functions/Methods.
Always prefer double-quotes rather than single quotes.
Adhere as close as possible to google style docstrings, auto-generated documentation is dependent on it and a merge request will not make it into dev if they are missing.
Always indent with 4 spaces, no more, no less.
Naming of classes should always be CamelCase and functions should be snake_case.
Never raise exceptions from the base Exception, write custom ones if required.
Other Guidelines
Minimum version of Python to use during development and testing must be 3.11.
Always use f-strings when possible as they are far more superior than % and .format() in most cases.
Always write tests for any new functions/API calls implemented or changed (if the logic has changed).
List comprehensions should always be used where possible unless the code is too ugly and readable, that is for you and the reviewer to agree with :-)